Can I change the liquid template directly? (Advance)

Yes, if can change the template files directly and I can freeze the template auto-update for your store. But your template files can no longer be patched by us. This is because we cannot merge your changes with our template files. Please contact us to activate the option

Should I change the template files?

This option is only used by developers.

If you are customizing the template for your clients and you must change the logic/flow, then you should change the template files. If you only want to change the styles, you should customize them with Custom CSS or callback methods.

What are the template files?

You can search the template files with 'byob' in the Shopify code editor:

There are 7 section files:

  • byob-bundle-info.liquid
    This section includes the translation texts, the top banner, the header, and the description. Custom CSS is also put here.
  • byob-confirm-modal.liquid
    This section includes the confirm pop-up component
  • byob-product-grid.liquid
    This section is the core file. It includes the product grid, product card, and footer components
  • byob-footer.liquid
    Standby section. Not in use currently
  • byob-quickview.liquid
    Optional section
  • byob-reviews.liquid
    Optional section
  • byob-subscription.liquid
    Optional section

The template files are mainly created with Vue.js v3.x + Liquid. The elements are separated into different Vue components

How to activate the section files?

Place the sections in the following order in the byob product template:

  1. BYOB Bundle Info
  2. BYOB Products Selection
  3. BYOB Footer
  4. BYOB Confirm Pop-up

Hit save in the theme editor. When you preview a bundle in our app, the page will be rendered.

Where are the files?

On request. We'll upload the files to your theme for custom development.

What plans are eligible?

Beginning in May 2024, this feature is only available to the BYOB Advance, Plus, and Custom plans.

If my developer leaves, will the BYOB team continue to maintain my pages?

No, we cannot maintain your developer work. It's a branch of our template. We cannot maintain unlimited branches from other developers. It's not possible. You have a deal with your developer but we don't have one. Therefore we have no idea what you're working on. You have to contact your developer for assistance.

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