Can I hide the bundle from storefront search and search engines?

Yes, you can hide a bundle from storefront search and search engines. By default, bundles are linked to a display product. 

Just create a new metafield for the display product with the following attributes:

  • "namespace" : "seo"
  • "key" : "hidden"
  • "value" : 1
  • "type" : "number_integer"

If you are using a Shopify app to power your storefront search, it's subjected to the setting of the app. 

Reference: Hide a resource from search engines and sitemaps

Namespace and key are already taken. View metafields without a definition

If you see this error, it means the namespace and key are taken by the app. Then you'll have to migrate the existing metafields to a new definition. Steps:
  1. Replace the subdomain and visit this link to migrate metafields:
  2. Fill in the name, description, and the type. Hit the save button

  3. The new definition will appear at the bottom of a product. You can fill in the value 1 if you want to hide a product. If you want to show the product again, you can fill in another value like 0.

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