What is quick view and how to enable & disable it?

The ‘ Quick View’ button allows you to see a bit more information about the product without leaving the current page. When you enable the option, there is an icon when the mouse is over the product image. When the icon is clicked, a pop-up will be shown. 

byob quickview demo

 How to enable the quick view option?

  1. Click "Change Design" on the BYOB dashboard to visit the theme editor
  2. Visit BYOB Products Selection => Product Grid. Activate the Enable quickview pop-up option
  3. Add a new section BYOB QuickView Pop-up before the BYOB Products Selection section
  4. Hit the Save button

Here is a short video to walk through the process (10s):

Activate quick view in BYOB

How to disable the quick view option?

  1. Enter the theme editor
  2. Remove the BYOB QuickView Pop-up section
  3. Visit BYOB Products Selection => Product Grid. Disable the Enable quickview pop-up option
  4. Hit the Save button


  • Quick view does not support Tier discounts yet

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