Slide Cart & Cart Drawer ‑ TCC Integration Guide
The app - Slide Cart & Cart Drawer ‑ TCC is developed by AppHQ. Here's the step to refresh the cart drawer after a bundle is built:
- Add a new liquid file - byob-custom-liquid.liquid in the code editor
- Copy and paste the content to the file
function afterBYOBAddtoCart(variants, variant_id) {
{% schema %}
"name": "BYOB Custom Liquid",
"settings": [],
"presets": [
"name": "BYOB Custom Liquid",
"category": "BYOB Bundles APP"
{% endschema %} - Add the new section - BYOB Custom Liquid in our custom product template in the theme editor
- Hit the save button and it's done
Slide Cart callbacks and methods: