How can I remove duplicated products in a collection?

By default, BYOB generates new variants and products when a customer builds a bundle. There will be duplicated products to store variants. These products can be hidden by customizing the theme:

  1. Open the theme code editor in the Shopify admin => theme
  2. Find the file to show the products in a grid. Search something like "grid". Usually, the file name is product-grid or something similar. Each theme names the file differently. This file has a loop to show all products in the collection
  3. Our container products have a "BYOB hidden" tag.
  4. Exclude our container products by adding the liquid code to the loop:
    {% unless product.tags contains "BYOB hidden" %}
    {% endunless %}

Increased variants limit

Shopify will increase the variant limit from 100 to 2,000. Currently, the feature is under developer preview. When the feature is published to the public, this issue will be eliminated.

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