Can I customize the curency format of the prices?
Coding may be required for this tutorial (javascript).
Currency Symbol
By default, the template is using your store currency symbol. If you want to override to use your own, you can add a custom section before the BYOB Product Selection section. Set a js variable customCurrencySymbol. When this variable is defined, it will override the default currency symbol
Currency Code
In BYOB Products Selection => Product Selections, activate the option - Show currency code. The currency code (e.g. AUD, CAD, EUR, etc) will be added after the price in each product card
Currency Format on the Footer
By default, the template is using the cart currency & user-selected language. f you want to override to use your own, you can add a custom section before the BYOB Product Selection section. Set js variables byob_currency_option & byob_locale. When these variables are defined, they will override the default currency on the footer
The footer is using Intl.NumberFormat to format the price.